
Sunday, December 29, 2013

5 Random Questions 18

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. Have you ever had any brushes with the law? I have had one speeding ticket and one warning for illegal lane changing (my first time ever driving on a highway, there was a cop parked on the side of the road. I was trying to get over into the other lane and as I was looking at the cars coming on the left I drifted to the right - toward the police car. I think that the police man could tell that I was about to cry because he was very nice and just gave me a warning)
2. Have you ever been on TV? I was in a music video once, I don't know if it was ever on TV.
3. Have you ever met any celebrities? only local celebrities like local radio hosts
4. Have you ever been to Legoland? no, but I wouldnt mind going (and probably will someday, when my husband heard we were having a boy one of the first things he said was we need to get some legos)
5. Have you ever done something heroic? umm, heroic? I mean I have stepped in to help people or stop someone, especially kids, from getting hurt. I don't know if I consider that heroic. Giving birth was pretty heroic. Other than that, no.

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source:

Sunday, December 22, 2013

5 Random Questions 17

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? Hmm, I would not say stupid things to people that might have hurt them (anyone else have a list in their head of stupid things they have said that they wish they could not say?). 

2. How many hats do you own? Real hats? Um I dont know maybe 2 or 3 around here somewhere. When i read the question it reminded me of that thing people say about wearing hats if they do a bunch of different jobs. And how many "hats" I wear is a lot :)

3. Are you any good at pool? Depends on the day. My aunt and uncle had a pool table that I would get to play sometimes, and sometimes I would be good and sometimes not very good. But I will never be a pool shark.

4. What’s the highest you've ever jumped into the water from? Umm, a diving board I think, and that was only a few times. I am scared of heights and don't love jumping in the water.

5. Have you ever been admitted to hospital? Yes, twice, to have my babies :)

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source:

Monday, December 16, 2013

Kidoodle.TV - TV for Kids! Sponsored

I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV. I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.

Today I have the privilege of sharing Kidoodle.TV with you. I got to try it out for free and you can too! Make sure you read all the info so you can find out how you can try it for free!

Kiddodle.TV is a revolutionary new screening website just for kids. There are tons of cool features:

  • Built for kids, not just aimed at them, Kidoodle.TV is designed specifically for the use and navigation by kids (ages 12 and under), ensuring an age-appropriate viewing experience.
  • Featuring a brightly colored, easy-to-use user interface, customizable Kid Profiles for up to 5 kids, and great entertainment and educational content from a variety of sources, Kidoodle.TV is child oriented and convenient, with no adult content and with robust controls for parents. 
  • Parental controls include age category filtering and title selection and de-selection, which allows parents to tailor available content to each child’s needs.
  • Once logged into Kidoodle.TV, parents simply select a Kid Profile and hand off the navigation to the child. 
  • Kidoodle.TV features content appropriate for its audience and is free of advertising within the service. 
  • Kidoodle.TV offers the freedom and diversity of Internet access but with parameters built in to assist with child safety.

My Experience:

I tried out Kidoodle.TV with Little Man 1. We got signed up and watched a few shows. I had only heard of a few of the shows, but we watched a couple of shows I hadn't heard of and they were pretty cute. I love that Kidoodle.TV has the option to make different profiles for each kid and set controls as to which shows they can and cannot watch. That makes it easier for me to feel comfortable letting him watch a show because I know he won't accidentally wander into a show he shouldn't be watching.

Right now Kidoodle.TV is doing a holiday giveaway. All you have to do is sign up to try Kidoodle.TV for FREE!

  • Try Kidoodle.TV for FREE and enter by December 31, 2013 to win 1 of 10 tablets or 1 of 10 Kidoodle.TV year-long subscriptions!
  • To enter the giveaway, go to Kidoodle.TV to sign up for a free trial. Follow the on-screen directions and submit!
Check out the Kidoodle.TV Website in your post: Follow Kidoodle.TV on Facebook: or Twitter: 

I participated in a Blog Blast program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Kidoodle.TV. I received a promotional item and a free trial as a thank you for participating.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

5 Random Questions 16

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. Do you want children? no, I'm good. Just kidding, yes, I have always wanted kids, and am thrilled with the two that God has given me, and am willing to care for any others he asks me to.

2. Do you want a church wedding? Yes, I had a church wedding.

3. Are you religious? I am a Christ follower. I don't consider it to be a religion, for me it is a relationship.

4. Do you like reality TV programs? I enjoy some of them, like I said last week I watch Bachelor and Bachelorette with Mr. Random.

5. Do you like TV talent shows? I used to watch American Idol with my family sometimes, but since I'm not huge into music I wouldn't put it on much.

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source:

Sunday, December 8, 2013

5 Random Questions 15

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink? I used to love milk but I am trying to go paleo (which includes dairy free) so besides water (which I love) I like juice and tea, and hot chocolate, and smoothies. I have also tried a non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri and that was really yummy. 

2. What’s your favorite TV program? I love the Gilmore Girls, I have watched all 7 seasons probaably somewhere between 15 and 20 times in the 5 years since Mr. Random and I got married (we bought them soon after we got married). I have recently found that I enjoy Switched at Birth. Mr Random and I watch the Bachelor and the Bachelorette (yes Mr Random watches with me and he loves it even more than I do sometimes). I also love Firefly, The 4400, and Smallville. Yes, most of these are older shows. We rarely hook up the TV and watch actual TV, most of the time we watch movies and TV shows on DVD.

3. What’s your favorite boy band? Honestly, I don't have one. I rarely listen to music (Christmas is the one time of year that I put on music instead of listening to a movie or podcast etc.) and I didn't listen to music as a kid/teen either so I can't even name many boy bands :).

4. What’s your favorite girl group? Same as last answer but insert girl group :)

5. What was your last dream about? Ok, this wasn't my last dream, because I can't remember my dream last night, although I do remember it was weird. By the way, side topic, I am the weirdest dreamer, seriously I have super crazy dreams. I once had a dream that my mom was dead  under my bed (in a totally non horror movie way, just a sad I would really miss my mom if she died way). Btw speaking of crazy dreams remind me to tell you about the first dream I had after I gave birth to Little Man 1 it was interesting and I wrote it down so I would remember. Anyways the night before last I remember 2 dreams. One was a nightmare where there was a pack of wolves coming at me and I was trying to protect my kids. The other was an interesting cool dream in which I had a really big kitchen. I mean huge. It was like the size of my current home (we have a tiny less than 1000 sq ft house, but that is huge for a kitchen!) It had like aisles of counters and different stations like a dish washing station, cooking stations etc. The fridge and freezer were each double the size of my current fridge. Like I said super crazy huge. It was a lot of fun to dream about :)

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source: