
Monday, April 16, 2012

Ultimate Blog Party!! And my very first giveaway!

Ultimate Blog Party 2012

I found a link to this party when I was browsing through blogs. It looked like so much fun I knew that I had to join! The Ultimate Blog Party is hosted by 5 minutes for Mom. It is a great way for bloggers to connect and find new blogs to obsess over. (Click the banner above to find out more about the party and join)

By the way Welcome visitors from the Ultimate Blog Party! I am so glad that you are here! Please take a minute to look around!

About Me

I am Randomly Fascinated. I chose that name because when thinking about a possible blog I knew that I would  never be able to choose just one topic to talk about. I am fascinated wide variety of subjects and I tend to randomly jump from one to another. I am a new blogger. I actually didn't start telling people that I started a blog until a few weeks ago because I was afraid of criticism and I wanted to see if I could do it before I told people. I have had a lot of hobbies that I have done for a while and then dropped. I am learning as I go and adding and changing things as I find new ideas. I am a wife. Mr. Random is the love of my life and no matter what we are going through I am always glad that I married him. I am a new mommy. My Little Guy is almost 5 months old and I am loving every minute of being his mom. I love to cook. I love to try new recipes and I am totally comfortable adapting recipes to my taste (Mr. Random is not a picky eater so I am allowed to adapt to my tastes, which are significantly pickier). I love to make crafts and art. I enjoy being creative and making things with my hands. My favorite artistic medium is ceramics and my dream is to one day own a kiln so I can make ceramics again. I love pinterest. I tend to spend more time pinning than repinning because I also love combing blogs. I also have a lot of other random thoughts that I post about.

My First Giveaway!

I am giving away $50 worth of makeup from Arbonne! The prize will include 3 fyi eyeQ cream eye shadows 1 sheer genius (olive green), 1 dramatic (aqua), and 1 prom queen (lavender).

To enter simply leave a comment below telling me which of my random fascinations is most fascinating to you. Make sure that in your comment you leave me some way to contact you if you win. I will randomly choose a winner. This contest will end at Midnight April 20th. I will contact the winner after that to get their address. If the winner is a blogger I will feature your blog next week so post your link!


  1. Thanks for stopping by our party at Thanks, Mail Carrier, I'm glad that you joined in!

    I think your random fascinations are fun... I'm probably most fascinated by the fact that you didn't tell people you were blogging until a few weeks ago, as I did the same thing back when I started. I'm pretty sure that I blogged for a decent amount of time before even telling my husband! Ha!

    Have a fun rest of your UBP12!

    xpsundell at gmail dot com

    1. I'm glad to know that I am not the only one who didn't tell people right away :)

  2. Christina - - Cream eye shadows!

  3. Hello! I dropped by from UBP 2012! :) It is nice to meet people for the first time! :D I will see you around!


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I will have to come over and check out your blog!

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog to party! I am fascinated by the name & user name of your blog :D

    1. Thanks! It took me a little while to figure out what the best name would be because I was fascinated by so many things :)

  5. Congrats on the new blog. It was actually your name that drew me in, made me want to click over from my site to see what you were all about. I didn't tell my friends that I'd started a blog until a while after I started it. I didn't know anyone who had a blog like mine, and well, to tell the truth, I'm a very reserved person and sometimes a little shy about stuff. Silly, I know, but there it is. Your blog looks great and I wish you all the best in accomplishing what it is you want to do.

    amy at ohsosavvymom dot com

    1. Thanks for visiting! I think it is funny that you are shy and write a blog. I sometimes tend to be shy in person too :) Thanks for the encouragement!

  6. I would love to try and win these. I am most fascinated by your frozen cream cheese...didn't know that and love it! So great!

    I have blogged for a while, but as a Mom of 5 I don't do it consistently.

    www (dot) rubyslippersschool (dot) com

    1. Well, you are definitely entered! Yeah, I love being able to buy cream cheese when it is cheap and save it in the freezer!
      Oh, wow, 5 kids, I can't imagine, but I know it must be a ton of fun!

  7. Oh my I love your blog. I was drawn to Domestic Randomness by Frugal Girls. they posted your cream cheese biscuits and I am making them for dinner tonight. I also am a stay at home mom, college student again, and wife. I have been home for one year and totally love it. Thanks so much for the ramblings I love them. And I also love what my husband calls it the mind of useless information for Joepardy. Thanks for the laughs!! I have thought so long about blogging after I had to do for a class. It seems like so much fun. Please keep the laughs coming!!
    Kelly McCoy @

    1. Wow, you are very encouraging! I bet a blog by you would be a wonderful addition to the internet! I am glad people enjoy reading my ramblings :) I hope the biscuits turned out great for you!

  8. loved this one: I love to try new recipes and I am totally comfortable adapting recipes to my taste (Mr. Random is not a picky eater so I am allowed to adapt to my tastes, which are significantly pickier).
    It's so hard when people are picky eaters!

    deannalw47 AT hotmail DOT com

    1. I know, my mom hated cooking for me because I was extrememly picky as a child. I have grown out of that in a lot of ways (I will generally eat whatever is provided at other people's homes) but I still like to make things exactly to my tastes when I am doing the cooking (otherwise what is the point of cooking my own food? :) And I generally get compliments on my food so my tastes must not be too bad :)

  9. Hi I most facinated by your blog name, I think its really fun.

  10. Randomly Fascinated- I like that.
    Stopping by from the UBP to say hello.
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Congratulations on your first giveaway! Oh So Savy Mom sent me! I like that your random fascinations parallel my own, and that you revel in your role as a domestic goddess! :) Your wedding planning was a lot like my own, and it was so much better than an impersonal "production" arranged by others, don't you think? Oh, and btw those cream cheese biscuits were mouth watering! I'm not blogging yet, but your delightful efforts have encouraged me. Best wishes, and thanks for a chance to win this wonderful prize.

    1. Oh, yeah, I agree I love a personalized wedding with help from friends and family! I hope you enjoy the biscuits! Let me know if you get a blog started, I will come over and look at it!

  12. I like your about me i can relate My husband is the love of my life to0 but also my 4 and 2 year old. I think you have great reviews and it is really hard to pick one thing or another . I love how you are versatile in your posts because i believe a blog is about self expression. I like the recipes on here and while i haven't tried them yet I am going to.

    marysims810 at gmail dot com

  13. I totally agree with Mcmama and the frozen cream cheese. I hadn't heard about it either until recently. I love making bon bons with cream cheese and bakers chocolate..yummy theres a little more to it but not much. :-D
    my_2_cents at hotmail dot com

  14. Because of you, now I'm randomly fascinated by freezing spaghetti sauce! I don't know why I never thought of using silicone muffin cups...brilliant! Thanks!

    1. I know, silicone muffin cups are awesome for freezing!

  15. stopping by from the UBP 2012...great blog

  16. I started freezing cream cheese because of you, it works great, I buy large amounts from Costco and separate it into 8oz for when I cook with it. I'm going to have to try your biscuits!! josephplee at

    1. Awesome! I am so glad I can help others save money and food!

  17. Hi there,

    I am most fascinated by your wedding planning stories! They are so helpful!

    kcindyloo at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you! Let me know if I can be of any more help. I will probably be posting about planning the bridal shower and bachelorette parties, and anything else that crosses my mind, but there is anything specific people want to know I am more than willing to share my experiences :)

  18. I like that you like to try new recipes. I am a horrible cook, so I like to try to find recipes that taste good...where i don't have to rely on my own skills! LOL
    tabisadelta at hotmail dot com

  19. Cream eye shadows!

  20. Super cute blog! I'm fascinated by your baby being fascinated by his car seat handle. Too funny!
    Allibird1 at aol dot com

    1. I know. It is really funny, and very cute to watch :)


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