
Sunday, August 25, 2013

5 Random Questions 6

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. What shoe size are you? 10, I used to be 9-9.5 but my feet grew and stayed grown with my first pregnancy, I wonder if it happens with every pregnancy? Why does no one tell you that your feet will stay big after giving birth? (I am telling you now, this is your warning)

2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? I don't know, I don't keep track, less since i still haven't found good replacements for my old shoes :(

3. If you were prime minister/ruler of the world what laws would you make?
hmm, I'll have to think about that one.

4.  If you were a super hero what powers would you have? I would love to be able to have answers to all my random questions, but I would want a filter so that if I didn't want to know the answer I wouldn't have to know. Also flying or super speed would be cool.

5. What would your hero name be? I am really bad at naming so probably super girl

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source:

Thursday, August 22, 2013

How to Earn Swagbucks for Free post 2

If you don't have a swagbucks account go here and sign up.

Swagbucks Games 
Another option under Earn is Swagbucks Games. Click on this and go to the game page. On the game page choose a game you want to play. I usually just play the game over and over because it is easier for me to just get it done. Click on play now under the game you chose. Click Play for Free. Wait through the ad (or click play game when it gets highlighted). Click start and play the game. I always play crusher so I play through the first round then lose on the second round so I don't have to keep going. I have also found that if your scores vary to much you do not always get credit for the games. After you are done playing you want to click the <Back to Games button in the top right corner. This is very important, if you click play again you will not get your points. You get 2 points for every two games that you play. You can get up to 10 points from games per day, so if you play 10 games per day you will get 10 points per day. The box saying that you have won 2 swagbucks will pop up after the second game you play. Sometimes swagbucks games malfunctions and stops giving you points when you haven't reached your max. If this happens stop working on it and go back to it later.

Swagbucks TV

Swagbucks TV is another super easy way to earn swagbucks for free. You can get 3 swagbucks for every 10 videos that you watch, up to 75 swagbucks per day (I rarely get anywhere near 75 swagbucks, but I have gotten enough to make it worth it).  I like to play it from the toolbar. I make my working screen smaller and put the swagbucks tv on the side so that I can quickly switch videos when it is time (see pics below to see what I am taking about). You don't have to wait for each video to end, just wait for the SB Meter to go up 10%, then click on the next video.

Search & Win

Sunday, August 18, 2013

5 Random Questions 5

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. How old are you? 25

2. What star sign are you?
I have no idea

3. What’s your favorite color? Pink

4. What’s your lucky number? I don't have a lucky number but I have always liked the number 16.

5. Do you have any pets? not right now :(

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source:

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The $1 Date

I am going to tell you about a super fun and affordable date that Mr. Random and I had. Most of the time we have pretty standard dates - dinner and a movie, an arcade, the mall, etc. But every once in a while it is fun to step out of the box and do something a little different. One way to make a date a little different and more fun is to have a theme.

The theme for this date is $1. There are many ways that you could go with this date anything that is $1 fits in the theme. For us the date was broken up in 3 sections.

Section 1 - Dollar Menus
Mr. Random and I decided to become connoisseurs of dollar menu burgers. The plan was to hit every type of fast food restaurant that has a dollar menu and try their basic burger to see which ones were the best. When we got going we realized that we would have to drive all over the city in order to do that so we just picked one area that had several different dollar menus available.

We ended up hitting McDonalds, Wendy's, Rally's, and Taco Bell. Technically Rally's isn't a $1 burger but it is less than $1.50 so we decided it fit in the category. And yes, I know that Taco Bell doesn't have burgers, but we decided to think outside the bun because we thought we needed at least 1 more food to make sure we got enough, plus we really love their empanadas. We also planned to hit Burger King but for some reason they were closed that day so we didn't get to try them :(. Wendy's is not in the picture because after eating there we decided we needed to eat the burgers at the same time so it would be a better comparison.

Our Findings - Rally's was by far the best burger! If you only have a little money and you want a good burger go for Rally's it is worth the little extra that they charge. (This is not in any way sponsored by Rally's, we were just having fun :) McDonald's was by far the worst burger, they really need to step it up they are falling behind the competition. We always like Taco Bell, so it was good, and obviously not a real comparison for burgers :). Wendy's was ok, not horrible, but nothing compared to Rally's.

Section 2 - Dollar Shopping
We picked 3 stores (we would have picked more but we ran out of time before section 3) and our challenge was to find something there that we wanted for $1. We ended up eating in the mall food court so we first looked for a store in the mall that we could buy something for $1 (Do you know how hard that is?). We ended up at Bath and Body Works and got a hand sanitizer for me for $1.50 (a little over $1, but the mall does not have tons for $1). Then we went to Target and browsed their $1 section and we each found something that we wanted. I got a flexible ice cube tray and Mr. Random got a toy to play with Ryan. Last we went to Dollar Tree and our challenge there was to find a snack that we both agreed on to use for section 3.

Section 3 - Dollar Theater
We went to the dollar theater to watch a movie. This was kinda a cheat because it now costs $3 each, but it used to be the dollar theater and we all still call it that so it works :).

So that was our $1 date. We had so much fun, and it was very affordable!

Have you ever done a $1 date? What other activities can you think of for $1?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

5 Random Questions 4

I love answering random questions, and I love reading other people's answers to random questions. So I thought that would make a fun series. I will answer the 5 questions in my post and you can answer them in the comments. We can all get to know each other better, how much more fun can you get?

So here we go 5 Random Questions:

1. Finish this sentence: Every room needs... a window. That was one of our specifications when we were looking for a house. We like to have natural light so we wanted at least one window in every room except the bathrooms. Turns out our house has a window in every room including the bathrooms and the basement rooms so we have no where to go in case of tornado (we just go to the basement room and cover the window).

2. How frequently do you wash your hair? Do you have any hair secrets or tricks?
Please don't call me gross, once or twice a week. And it doesn't get gross in between. I have no tricks, it is just how my hair is, it doesn't need it more often unless I am doing something that makes me sweat a lot (in which case of course I take a shower).

3. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, I rarely wear makeup. It is too much work. And my husband prefers me without it.

4. You just unloaded your Halloween haul. What candy do you go for first?
Snickers, definitely snickers

5. What totally inane talent do you possess?
I can't think of one right now :(

I can't wait to read your answers!

Questions Source:

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Ultimate List of Carry-In / Potluck Meal Theme Ideas!

I complied this list a while ago and thought that you all might enjoy some new ideas. Our family group likes to get together for a meal every once in a while and we have found that having a theme for the food makes it easier to plan and more fun. We have done a rice bar, noodle theme, mexican, and soup but there are many other theme ideas! See which ones below spark you interest. And if you have any other ideas leave a comment below and I'll add them to the list.

noodle theme
murder mystery
Comfort Food
Breakfast for Dinner
Crockpot Foods
Grill Out
Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks
Rice Bar
Around the World
Finger Foods
Seasonal (Fall foods, summer foods, etc)
Alphabet (pick a letter and everyone makes something that starts with that letter, or everyone is assigned a different letter)
Soul Food
Food from the Past
Pick a Country
Favorite Movie Foods
Gilligan's Island
Last Meal (anything from what you would want for your last meal to what famous people had for last meals to what inmates requested for last meals to what Jesus had at the last supper)
State Fair
White Trash
What came first (chicken and egg dishes)
Super Bowl (must be served in a bowl)
New Orleans
Mom's Best Dish
Rainbow Meal
Monochromatic Meal
Best Story (food that has a great back story)
Favorite Book Food
Stuffed Food
5 Ingredients or Less
Unlikely Fusion (mix two different countries or ingredients)
Round Foods
Elvis Dinner
Sausage Fest
Chili Cook Off
Mystery Can (Bunch of cans, take off labels, each person gets a can and must base their dish on that)
Rolled Foods
Random Holiday themed (Meatloaf week, ice cream day, waffle day, etc.)
City Theme (Chicago, New York, Miami, etc.)
College Food
Just 1 Part of the Meal (just appetizers, just desserts, etc)
Earth, Wind, Fire, Water
Salad Bar
Picnic Foods
Baked Potato Bar
Chili Bar
Special Ingredient (pick a special ingredient that has to be in every dish, or everyone bring their "secret ingredient" dish)
Kid Inspired Food
Last Name Meal (everyone brings something that starts with the first letter of their last name)
Food on a Stick
TV Show Theme
Shaped Food
Hell's Kitchen
Restaurant Copycat
Bar Food
Draw a Country (each person draws a country and makes something from that country)
Take me out to the Ball Park
Pop day (related to pop, or have pop in the name)
English High Tea
Fire and Ice (Spicy or cool foods)
Sweet and Sour
Budget Stretchers
Meatless Monday
Takeout Tuesday (Everyone bring their favorite takeout)
Diner Food
Garden Party
Portable Food
Individual Pizza Party/ Pizza Bar (have crusts and all the toppings, people top their own, bake and enjoy)

Do you have any fun stories about potlucks that you have been to or hosted? What is your favorite theme?