Tomorrow (February 23) is the one year anniversary of the day I put up my first post and started this blog. I can't believe how far it has come since that day. My first post was short and not my best writing. In case you are wondering my first post was Produce Picks. I didn't have any followers and didn't even tell people about my blog for a while (I wanted to make sure that I could do it first, and stick with it). And it has grown so much, and I have grown with it. I think I started this as a way to talk to adults and share of myself. I was a new mom with a 3 month old, staying at home, having little interaction with adults. I needed an outlet, a way to interact with others and share my thoughts so I wouldn't go crazy. This blog has grown so much and I love being able to share with all of you.

And I have a lot of great things to share with you in the next few weeks! In honor of my 1 year blogiversary I am throwing a huge party! It starts today with a big linky party. I have 2 great co-hosts (thanks Snack Cups and Smiles, and The Domesticated Princess) teaming up with me for this, so when you link up on any of our blogs it shows up on them all. Then starting tomorrow I have several giveaways for you. So far I have 14 awesome giveaways lined up so far, but i am still getting offers so there may be more :). There will be one giveaway offered every day until we run out of prizes. The prizes include several gift cards, some products, and some ad spaces. I'm not going to say more because I don't want to ruin the surprise. You'll just have to come back every day and see what awesome thing you can win!
As for today join in the party! Link up anything you have been working on!
This linky party is happening in place of my usual Friday Fascinations Linky Party. Friday Fascinations will resume after Party Time! has concluded. I will also post the features from the recent Friday Fascinations after we are finished with the party. Hopefully all of you new subscribers will come back for my regular parties. Friday Fascinations runs every other friday and continues for two weeks. Please feel free to visit anytime and link up because there is always a linky party running here.
This week we are going to do an everything linky party. You can link up anything that you have been working on, thinking about, writing about, whatever. Literally any post of yours that you would like to share with my readers link it up!
Oh and if you have a linky party that you would like me to visit please link it up in the Link Up Your Party Here tab above. I love visiting parties and when I have time I go to that tab and visit all the parties that are open at that time.
The rules:
- You may link up anything that you have been working on - crafts, recipes, random musings, etc. And you may link up as many posts as you like.
- Please follow the host and two co-hosts (Domestic Randomness, Snack Cups and Smiles, and The Domesticated Princess in some way.
- Link up directly to the post, not your home page.
- By linking up you are giving us permission to feature your post including but not limited to pictures and quotes from your post, and also to feature your post in our various social media outlets.
- This is a family friendly, Christ following blog. I reserve the right to remove a link to any content that I find offensive or not compatible with this blog, with or without notice.
- Please add a back link or my button to your blog or post somewhere.
- Please check out some of the other links and leave some love in some way (comment, pin, follow, etc.)
- The links are inserted in random order so if you don't see your link it may have entered somewhere in the middle. Please check to be sure that it is not already inserted before you link it up again.
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I love to hear what you have to say! But please be nice, and please no spam. I do monitor every comment, if you are mean or spamming me it will not get published, so please do not bother writing it. Otherwise comment away! Can not wait to have a conversation with you!