From April 2007
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Blast from the Past 23 - Sports movies and underdogs
From April 2007
Friday, January 25, 2013
Friday Fascinations 9 - Everything Linky Party - I am going to Sleep
I am going to try putting the features in with the party posts so the features from this party will show up in two weeks on the next Friday Fascinations post. Don't think of it as waiting two weeks to see if you are featured, think of it as a nice influx of visitors in two weeks, keeping your pageviews up for your older posts! :) Thanks everyone for linking up, can't wait to see what you link this time!
This week we are going to do an everything linky party. You can link up anything that you have been working on, thinking about, writing about, whatever. Literally any post of yours that you would like to share with my readers link it up!
Oh and if you have a linky party that you would like me to visit please link it up in the Link Up Your Party Here tab above. I love visiting parties and when I have time I go to that tab and visit all the parties that are open at that time.
The rules:
- For this party you may link up anything that you have been working on - crafts, recipes, random musings, etc. I do not mind links to giveaways or parties as long as you state that it is a giveaway or party in the title. Link up whatever you want just please be honest in the title. I do some themed linky parties sometimes, but this one is a free for all!
- Please follow me in some way. If you absolutely hate my blog then of course don't follow it, but if you hate it should you really be linking up? (I leave that for you to answer :) There are several ways to follow me offered on the right sidebar.
- Link up directly to the post, not your home page.
- By linking up you are giving me permission to feature your post including but not limited to pictures and quotes from your post, and also to feature your post in my various social media outlets.
- This is a family friendly, Christ following blog. I reserve the right to remove a link to any content that I find offensive or not compatible with this blog, with or without notice.
- Please add a back link or my button to your blog or post somewhere. You can find my buttons in the button tab above.
- Please check out some of the other links and leave some love in some way (comment, pin, follow, etc.)
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Let's Talk - About Breastfeeding - It Hurts!
I have been wanting to start this series for a while. It has been on my heart to share some of my experiences with you so that maybe I can help some of you. Some of these experiences were easy and will be lighthearted posts simply sharing some tips and tricks with you. Some of these experiences were hard and will be more deep sharing. I will try to be open and honest because I know that that will help the most people. I will try to give you as many details as I can remember, some of these experiences happened over a year ago. I would also like to hear your experiences. I would love for this to be a safe place to open up and share our stories.
For some reason feeding Little Man has been one of the hardest things that I have had to deal with as a mother so far. (And for some reason I am just the type of person to chose my hardest experience to share with you first :) And yes I do have some tips for you and I will give you hope too.
When I was pregnant I did a decent amount of research on breastfeeding. I knew that was the route that I wanted to go. I was totally convinced that breastfeeding was the only way to go (and I admit shamefully I was judgmental about those who chose not to. Yes, I have changed that view, I still think that breastfeeding is best and it would be best if women would at least try it, but I do understand what would make a woman give up on it). So, with that research, I thought I knew what I was in for. It seemed that yes, some women simply are not capable of breastfeeding for various reasons, but for those who are it is fairly natural. Yes I read some articles and such that said that breastfeeding can be hard, and it is not easy for most moms and babies, that it takes some work and it is something you have to learn to do. But I don't think that those articles correctly expressed exactly how hard breastfeeding can be. They made it sound like if you just work at it you will get it and it will become easy (yes that is true in my case, but just work on it makes it sound quick and easy, it wasn't.).
In the hospital when I first tried breastfeeding I had the had the hardest time getting Little Man to latch. No, that doesn't describe it correctly. I could not get him to latch. I would get him up there and he would suck for like 1 second and then fall off again. The few times he would stay on he would fall asleep almost immediately. So like I was told in the articles I asked for the lactation Consultant, knowing that that should just solve everything (or so I was told). The Consultant eventually showed up about the third or fourth attempt at feeding. She showed me a few techniques and basically forced Little Man to latch and it worked! (well he ate for a few more seconds at a time and she helped put him back on when he fell off). I thought my problems were solved. I tried again later without her and found that in order to implement her tips I would have needed at least 3 hands. So I kept trying on my own for a while but most of the time I just ended up asking one of the nurses to help me. So I finally got fed up and asked for her to come back again the next day.
When she came back I asked more pointed questions and asked her to tell me what to do instead of just doing it herself, so I could learn to do it with just the 2 hands I had. I knew that I needed to learn to do it on my own because I wouldn't always have helpful nurses around to provide the 3rd and 4th hand. The lactation consultant (LC) gave me some more tips and tricks which didn't really work, so I was starting to get discouraged. One of the things I asked was for them to watch to see if he was latching correctly the few times he did latch. Because when he was eating it hurt a lot. Everyone (the articles and the LC) kept saying that if I was doing it correctly it shouldn't hurt, just a tugging sensation, and maybe a little soreness as I was getting used to it. So I figured I must be doing it wrong since I was experiencing A LOT of pain. After watching for a while they said that the latch was correct. So what I learned from that is no matter what they say breastfeeding can hurt even if he is latched correctly. I kept trying at the hospital, and never did get it exactly right, but I thought I had it figured out enough that with practice I would get it. I was wrong.
I am not sure I can accurately describe how hard those first months were. I knew that breastfeeding was best for little man, and I really wanted to give him the best. But it was hard. I hated breastfeeding. Not just didn't like it, or didn't care for it, I hated it. It hurt a lot every single time. I was so sore and bruised. I was feeding him every three hours even over night so the bruises never had a chance to heal. It would hurt from the moment he latched on. And the hurt never really went away, it just dulled when he wasn't eating. I was daydreaming daily about stopping and just giving him a bottle. And I mean every day, every feeding, every time I thought about feeding. I honestly was not sure the breastfeeding would make it through the first month, or the second. I only made it by sheer willpower and God. I took it one feeding at a time. I told myself that I would make it through that feeding, that was it. I did that every single feeding.
Another thing that was hard those first months was the sheer amount of time consumed by feedings. Little Man would take a minimum of 1 hour every feeding (minimum, meaning sometimes he would eat for 1.5 to 2 hours). And like I said I was getting him up to feed him every 3 hours, so literally 1/3 of my life was spent feeding him. I simply could not keep him awake while I was feeding him. The "experts" (articles) advice for this was to just force him to stay awake. They gave all sorts of tips and tricks to keep a baby awake, and trust me I tried all of them. I did the wet washcloth, running my finger up his spine (that worked the best for me), talking to him, etc. It all worked, for less than a second, then he would go to sleep again. I would have to sit there running my finger up and down his spine (or whatever trick I was doing) to get him to eat very much in a row, and eventually he would become desensitized and sleep through even that. I was doing everything I could and it was not working, so I gave up and just read or watched tv while I fed him so that I could at least bear it and tried not to fall asleep (it didn't always work).
I tried everything I could think of those first months to try to make things better. I really wanted to succeed at breastfeeding. I tried smothering on lanolin and using breast pads for the pain. I tried everything I could to keep him awake. Nothing was working and I was losing willpower, it was just too painful. I even thought about just pumping and feeding that to him (because at that point pumping was less painful) but that took even more time because the pumping took an hour and then he would take forever eating it, and I wasn't producing enough when pumping so i would have had to supplement anyways. At some point I broke down and bought a nipple shield. I had read about them and had asked the LC at the hospital about them but she said that it was only for people who had a specific problem (I don't remember what, it was over a year ago) and that if I started he might get addicted and not be able to feed without it and I would have to wean him off it. So I tried going without it. But I finally decided to try it. I figured if it saved breastfeeding it was worth it.
And I was right, it was worth it! I think that one little device saved breastfeeding for me. And Little Man didn't get addicted to it, I did. It didn't take the pain away completely, but it masked it a lot. I stopped getting bruises, and as Little Man slept a little longer at night they started healing. I found that I could make it through. I still daydreamed about switching to formula, but it was less often. And as little man was getting older he started staying awake longer which meant eventually feeding took less time (that took several months, but it did happen eventually, by the time he was a year old he only took about 15 minutes to eat).
After things got better with the nipple shield I had some hope, but I was still worried about Little Man. I was worried because after doing some research I found that the nipple shield caused a decrease in lactation and my milk supply could go down. I was worried because I wasn't sure if Little Man was getting enough food. And I was really worried because Little Man was slow in gaining weight. I did go to the dr. but they were just monitoring it, they wanted to wait a little while to see if I needed to supplement. So after a while I went back to the LC. One of my friends had told me that the LC could weigh Little Man before and after the feeding to find out exactly how much he ate. And I wanted her to show me again how to feed Little Man without the nipple shield since everything seemed to be saying that I would have to learn that eventually.
Going to the LC was a great decision! It was a different one than the one who helped me in the hospital and this one was way more helpful. She did weigh him before and after the feeding and that gave me the reassurance that he was getting enough food. She also gave me the wonderful news that I could continue using the nipple shield the entire time he was breastfeeding as long as I pumped 3 times a day too. She also gave me several tips and helped me feed him without the shield and without pain for the first (and only) time. I tried what she showed me later at home and found out that what I was doing there didn't work at home with any of the furniture I had. So most of that didn't help, but like I said it was worth it for the reassurance and finding out I could keep using the shield.
She did help me realize a few things about Little Man's eating style. He was a lazy nurser, he was trying to suck like he would with a spaghetti noodle instead of the chewing sucks he was supposed to be doing. He also had a tendency to pull his lips in, they were supposed to be spread wide like a fish. She helped me work with him on both of those. That helped sometimes, but I sometimes got lazy and let him nurse how he wanted. If it hurt a lot I would change it but most of the time it was just easier to let him eat. That part was my fault, I was lazy. If you want you can do better on that than I did. It is possible that if I worked harder it might not have hurt after that, I don't know for sure, but it is possible.
So learning that I could continue using the nipple shield the entire time I was nursing, and that Little Man getting enough food made it a lot easier because I didn't have those things to worry about. It still hurt, but the pain was bearable. It was generally just a dull ache with an occasional sharper pain. And as Little Man was staying awake longer and getting the hang of nursing better, the time factor also got better. Little Man was a champion sleeper and was sleeping through the night by 7 weeks old (he probably would have earlier but I was getting him up on a schedule for the first several weeks in order to establish nursing well) so I was finally getting sleep and didn't have to sleep as much during the day. And he reduced the time he took to eat also. By 6 months it took an average of 1/2 hour (It may have been earlier, I don't remember exactly). I think he went down to 15 minutes of eating somewhere around 9 months. Let me tell you having time in my day again was amazing!
As nursing got easier I stopped hating it. I stopped having daydreams about formula after those first couple months. By 6 months I couldn't imagine stopping, I didn't really see the point. I had worked so hard to get to that point, there was no way I was giving up just when it got easy. And I managed to make it to 1 year! We had kinda a mutual weaning that started about soon after his birthday. So I did it, I succeeded! I made it to 1 year (that had been my original goal, before all the difficulty)! It was a hard long journey, but I did it!
So I made it, but at what cost? I don't mean at the end. It was easy by then. The hardest thing then was just the inconvenience of trying to nurse a squirming 1 year old (which is extremely difficult in public, trust me). What was the cost at the beginning? I couldn't enjoy my first few months with my son. Instead of enjoying the cuddle time I was wincing in pain and wishing I could give him a bottle. Would I do it again, knowing what I know now? Probably, because I know about the nipple shield now. I know I can use it from the beginning if I need to. I don't have to just sit there in pain. I will probably start off without it to see how it goes, but have it with me just in case. If it is as bad as it was last time even with the shield I don't know what I will do. Maybe I will keep going, maybe I will switch to formula, maybe I will pump and supplement, we'll see. But whatever I end up doing will be a win because I tried, and because the baby would still be getting good food.
So what's your story? What was your goal? Did you make it? Was it hard for you? Did it hurt? Would you do it again?
* I am not saying that it will work this way for everyone, or that everyone should even try. I would love to have you comment and leave your story, but I hope that you will be nice and respectful, and take this as it was meant to be - an open sharing of my story, not a judgement or even a comment about you. Negative comments against me or any of the previous commenters will not be published so please don't take the time to write them.
Linked Up To:
The Frugal Girls, Monday Funday, Cornerstone Confessions, Blissful and Domestic, The Thriftiness Miss, While He Was Napping,
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Blast from the Past 22 - How to get a girl's heart
From April 2007
How to get a girl's heart
Here is something I found on Facebook. It is cute and a lot of it is true.This is a disclaimer, I do not agree with all of them. I especially do not believe that all of them should be done before marriage. My comment are in () beside the actual things. And do not try to get a girl's heart unless you are really sure you want it, meaning that you really love her and want to marry her.
45 ways to get a girls heart...
1-touch their waist (this should wait)
2-talk to them (girls love to talk)
3-share secrets
4-give her your jacket
5-kiss them slowly
are you remembering this?
6-hug her
7-hold her
8-laugh with her
9-invite her somewhere
10-let her be with you when you're with your friends (girls do not like to be excluded)
keep reading
11-smile with her
12-take pics with her (we like pictures)
13-pull her onto your lap (wait)
14-when she says she loves you more, deny it. fight back
15-when her friends say i love her more than you, deny it. fight back and hug her tight so she cant get to her friends. it makes her feel loved
Are you thinking about someone?
16-always hug her and say i love you when you see her (only say I love you if you really do, this is mentioned later)
17-kiss her unexpectedly
19-tell her shes beautiful not sexy/Hot!
20-tell her the way you feel about her!
..20 u need to show her you mean it too
21-kiss her on the lips
22-DONT ask her to buy you stuff. you buy HER stuff (yeah)
24-make her feel loved
25-buy her stuff. small things can still help
we might deny it but we accutally like and kinda want you to get us things
26-don't lie to her...... (duh)
27-dont cheat on her!!!!!!!! (double duh)
28- just lay with her, just being with u will make her happy. (wait)
29-txt messege or call her in the morning and tell her have a good day at school, and how much you miss her
30-be there for her when ever she needs you, & even when she doesn't need you, just be there so she'll know that she can always count on you
are you still reading this? u better be, its important
31. Hold her close when she's cold and she can hold you too.
32. When you are alone hold her close and kiss her.
33. Kiss her on the cheek; it will give her the hint that you want to kiss them
34. While in the movie, put your arm around her and then she will automatically put her head on your shoulder, then lean in and tilt her chin up and kiss her lightly.
35. Dont ever tell her to leave even jokingly or act like you're mad. If shes upset, comfort her. (duh)
remember this next time you are with her
36. When people diss her, stand up for her. (of course)
37. Look deep into her eyes and tell her you love her. (only if you mean it)
38. Lay down under the stars and put her head on your chest so she can listen to the steady beat of your heart, Link your fingers together while you whisper to her as she rests her eyes and listens to you. (be careful with this)
39. When walking next to each other grab her hand.
40. When you hug her hold her in your arms as LONG as possible
41. Call her at night to wish her sweet dreams.
42. Comfort her when she cries and wipe away her tears.
43. Take her for long walks at night.
44. Always Remind her how much you love her.
45. never tell her you love her, unless u truely mean it with all of your heart. (amen!)
you'll never know when she needs just a little more love....Rember this stuff.. it will help u...
Thursday, January 17, 2013
The Perfect Outfit - No nonsense leggings
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of No nonsense for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
When I first realized that I was offered this opportunity I panicked a little bit. I am so not a fashionista. I spend about 2 minutes picking out my clothes in the morning. I do not spend tons of time or money buying them either. I thought about asking one of my sisters to guest post for me, they are both more into fashion than I am, but I really wanted to do this myself. As I looked into what I needed to do I found that I could do it. I do enjoy clothes and definitely have ones I prefer so I can talk to you about what I like, I don't have to be a fashionista to do that.
So what is it that I like? What is my style, my fashion? Well the first and most important thing is that it must be comfortable. I spend a lot of time in clothes, if i am going to wear them they are going to be comfortable. This has gotten even more important in the last couple years, how can I concentrate on being a good mom if I am in constant pain or discomfort? The second is that they must be decent. I am getting up and down, bending, twisting, running, on a daily basis, if I can't do all that without flashing everyone around me then I am not wearing the right clothes. Also if I am not capable of doing all that in the clothes I am wearing then I am not wearing the right clothes. Third it cannot take me forever to get into or out of the clothes. I do not have time to waste on making sure my outfit is perfect, I have way better things to do with my time. So I like things I can just throw on easily.
So with all that said No nonsense tights and leggings would definitely be a good addition to my wardrobe. They fit all the criteria: they are comfortable (well I assume they are, they look super comfy), they are decent (and they would help less decent outfits become more decent), and I don't think they would take too long to put on. And they are cute! I think they would make a great addition to quite a few of my outfits. They are also affordable.
I put together an outfit using No nonsense leggings to show you how I would use them. I chose the black cotton leggings because cotton is comfy and black goes with everything. I would throw on a long shirt/short dress over it. I would love to have a wide belt like that to pair with that kind of outfit. Honestly the rest of the collection I probably would not wear simply because I don't want to take the time to put on all of that but it was fun to pick it out and pretend :). Plus I had to have it in there for all you fashionistas who will be judging my collection :).
No nonsense also partnered with Jill Martin, a fashion expert, tv personality, and co author of "I Have Nothing to Wear" to create and promote their new lines. They have created some videos to show how their leggings can be useful for everyone. Check this one out!
Are you wondering now where you can find these neat leggings? Click on this link No nonsense tights and leggings and use the store locator to find a store that sells them near you. You can find them at many drug stores and mass retail stores! It looks like in my area they are sold at Kroger and Meijer. I also found the black ones on You can also check them out on Facebook - No nonsense on Facebook and Twitter - @benononsense.
So what do you think? Do you wear leggings or tights regularly? What do you pair them with?
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Friday Fascinations 6 and 7 Features
As I was going through my old posts to see what # my latest linky party would be I noticed that I accidentally did not post features from Friday Fascinations 6 and 7 so I figured I would go ahead and post them here. Better late than never I guess. Sorry to all of you, that I did not get you featured before. So anyways here they are!
For those who are featured get yourself a button!
Favorite Craft Idea
And Who Say's You Can't linked up her Top 10 Projects for Frames. Very Cool, lots of great ideas!
Favorite Kid Post
Delivering Grace linked up some ideas if if you experience Picture Book Fatigue (when preschool children get sick of the same old picture books but aren't ready for chapter books yet). Great ideas!
Friday Fascinations 7 Features
Favorite Recipe
One Creative Mommy linked up her recipe for Dehydrated Pears and DIY Fruit Rolls. My mom makes dehydrated fruit and I have always loved it! This makes me think maybe I should borrow her dehydrator and make myself some yummy dried fruit. And OCM I agree with you about dehydrated pairs being the best with a chewy center.
Favorite Craft Post
The Domesticated Princess linked up her post about a ring that she turned into a necklace. The story behind the ring is very touching, and the new necklace looks great!
Favorite Inspirational Post
One Creative Mommy linked up a post where she talks about her daughter going Gluten Free because of Celiac Disease. It is very touching. This subject is important to me because I have several family member who are gluten free and one who has celiac. Gluten free is becoming more and more common, I think most people know at least one person who is going gluten free. So this post is good for all of us. I am planning to go look at some of her other gluten free posts.
Thanks for all of you who linked up! Again, sorry it took me so long to post these. They were definitely worth looking at again!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Blast from the Past 21 - For guys who think they're so good but can't find a good girl, and girls looking for a good guy
From April 2007
For guys who think they're so good but can't find a good girl, and girls looking for a good guy
I copied this from a friends buletin. I had to edit it a little because I do not agree with all of it, but all the original wording is there minus the offensive words. When I changed words within the text they will be in []. When I have a comment it will be in ().
I'm sorry,
That I was raised with respect;
not to sleep with you when you were drunk,
for not to sleeping with you just for the sport.
I'm sorry,
That my body's not ripped enough
to "satisfy" your wants.
I'm sorry,
that I open your car door,
and pull out your chair like I was raised, and
to say thank you and tell you I appreciate you
for respecting you.
I'm sorry,
That I'm not cute enough or popular enough
to be "your guy."
I'm sorry,
That I am actually nice, caring, patient, understanding
not an [stupid guy]. Nobody else can see it.
I'm sorry,
I don't have a huge bank account
to buy you expensive things. (girls don't need a guy with a big bank account, just one who loves them and makes enough to support them)
I'm sorry,
That I would like to spend quality nights at home...
just cuddling with you, cooking for you,
or even being in your beautiful presence.
I'm sorry,
I would rather make love to you then just [have sex with] you like all the rest of the [stupid guys]. That I want you to feel my love in my passion with you.
I'm sorry,
That I am always the one you need to talk to, for always being there when you needed me, but never good enough to date, or thank. I know you've thanked me, but it's hard to accept it so much.
I'm sorry,
That I always held your hair back when you threw up,and didn't get mad at you for puking in my car, and on my pants.
That when we went out, you went home with another guy. (guys if you are a good guy then you should want a good girl, and good girls don't do this stuff, so why do you want her anyways? Why do you talk about girls going for the wrong guy when you are going for the wrong girl?)
I'm sorry,
That I am there to come to see your beautiful face, filled with tears at 2 in the morning, or pick you up at 4 AM when your new man hurt you and dropped you off in the middle of nowhere,
but not good enough or to busy to listen to me when I need a friend. (ditto above)
I'm sorry,
If I start not...being there, being used as a door mat, and only to be thrown to the side when the new [stupid guy] comes around, or when anything else has your attention.
I'm sorry,
If I don't answer my phone anymore when you call, just to listen to you cry for hours. I often get just as upset and cry quietly with you..hoping you to hear me or worry about me... instead of getting a couple hours of sleep before work or school.
I'm sorry,
that you can't realize.. I've been the ONE all along.
I'm sorry,
That you hooked up with my friend, knowing that all I wanted was to be with you.
I'm sorry,
that you go running back to the guy that hurts you so much.
I'm sorry,
If you read this and know somebody like this
but don't care.
I'm sorry,
That you can't accept me for who I am...
I'm sorry,
that no matter what I am, what I do, what I say, and what I am willing to do FOR YOU........ will never be enough to keep you from continuing to look for something better.
I'm sorry,
that i get upset when you find something more fun and decide to throw everything we have away on a short new experience.
I'm sorry
that no matter how honest i am with you, you still doubt me when it's mentioned by another.
I'm sorry
For not being sorry anymore, sorry for giving my all only to have it thrown back in my face.
Ladies always [complain] and [complain] to their friends that there is never any good guys out there anymore, and they always end up with [stupid guys] who treat them bad. Well ladies next time your [complaining], maybe look up to see who your [complaining] to, (when I complain about guys I usually complain to girls, guys don't really understand) maybe that special someone is right there hanging on your every word like usual, screaming in his head "why don't you give me a try?"
Because the person you are usually searching for is right by you.
If you're a guy and you agree with this letter, repost as "I'm sorry" and add a little if I forgot something
If You're one of the few girls with enough balls (why would we want male parts? I thought guys liked us as girls?) to repost, and you would never make your guy feel this way, repost as "To all the girls who can't accept a good guy"
(I will reiterate. If a girl does not see you for the good guy that you are why are you chasing her? There are girls who really are looking for good guys, just like there are guys who are looking for girls who want good guys. So why don't you stop complaining and go find a good girl.)
Linked Up To:
Cornerstone Confessions,
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Please Excuse My Mess
Friday, January 11, 2013
Friday Fascinations 8 - Friday Fascinations is back! - Everything Linky Party
Well now that we are done painting and we are past the holidays I would like to start up Friday Fascinations again. But I am going to make a few changes. Trying to do a weekly party was just too much for me. I felt like I never got to write any posts besides party posts because I was constantly working on those. So I am going to start with a biweekly party and if that is still too much then it will become a monthly party. This should not affect you too much because I am going to leave the party open for the entire time that it is up. So if it is a biweekly party it will be up for 2 weeks, if it is a montly party you can link up any time in that month. I will do this because I like the idea of there always being a linky party going on. I find it very frustrating when I hear about a good linky party, go to the site and it is not running. I do not have time to haunt other people's blogs just waiting for their linky party to go live. The blogs that have a linky party going on the longest get the most link ups from me. There will still be no limit on how many posts you can link up so feel free to link up more every week! I am also going to be experimenting with how the links are shown. If you don't see your link at the bottom don't worry, it may show up in the middle or at the top. This is an effort to make it more fair, since the ones that are linked up first usually get the most views.
I am not sure yet how this all will affect the feature posts. I will be experimenting with where I want to put those. I may have them be a separate post or I may put the features on the party following the end of the link ups. I will just have to try and see what works best for me. But don't worry, there will be features :)
So anyway without further ado here is the party!
This week we are going to do an everything linky party. You can link up anything that you have been working on, thinking about, writing about, whatever. Literally any post of yours that you would like to share with my readers link it up!
Oh and if you have a linky party that you would like me to visit please link it up in the Link Up Your Party Here tab above. I love visiting parties and when I have time I go to that tab and visit all the parties that are open at that time.
The rules:
- For this party you may link up anything that you have been working on - crafts, recipes, random musings, etc. I do not mind links to giveaways or parties as long as you state that it is a giveaway or party in the title. Link up whatever you want just please be honest in the title. I do some themed linky parties sometimes, but this one is a free for all!
- Please follow me in some way. If you absolutely hate my blog then of course don't follow it, but if you hate it should you really be linking up? (I leave that for you to answer :) There are several ways to follow me offered on the right sidebar.
- Link up directly to the post, not your home page.
- By linking up you are giving me permission to feature your post including but not limited to pictures and quotes from your post, and also to feature your post in my various social media outlets.
- This is a family friendly, Christ following blog. I reserve the right to remove a link to any content that I find offensive or not compatible with this blog, with or without notice.
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Sunday, January 6, 2013
Blast from the Past 20 - A Cut Up Poem - You and Me
From April 2007
This is a cut up poem, which means that I took phrases from several books and articles and put them together in a way that made sense, in this case made almost a story.
You and Me
A cloudy spot flew through the night
Feathered mail from earth’s inmost womb
You sense my presence in a snapshot
Open a drawer, it’s still there
I lifted and supported you
You think of me then forget and smile
I know the truth and I get very mad
It is appropriate to be realistic
Life is complex but you get what you want
You are not good for my mental health
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Top 15 Most Underviewed Posts from 2012

In case you missed it the other day I posted my New Years" resolutions" in my 100 Goals for 2013
post. I didn't feel like making any more resolutions, I think 100 is more than enough. So enjoy a recap of posts from 2012!
Again Happy New Year! If you have any goals for the New Year share them in the comments!
When I was working on the Top 10 Most Popular Posts of 2012 post I was thinking about all the posts I put up this year, and about what a pity it was that there were so many great posts that weren't on that list, and that they weren't likely to be widely seen now since they were buried in my blog. So I thought why not feature some of my favorite posts that didn't have a lot of page views. I hope you enjoy these!
The Top 15 Most Underviewed Posts from 2012
In no particular order
Rice Bar Carry In Meal
Moist and Yummy Pumpkin Bread
What do I want to Do for Mother's Day?
Absolutely Delicious Granola Bars
How to Survive a Graduation Ceremony with a Baby
Coffee Themed Present on a budget
How to save time (and money, sorta): By Prebrowning Meat - this will seriously save you a ton of time! You must go look if you use any type of ground or cut up meat regularly.
My Response to God in the Storm (#response)
Quick and Easy Lasagne
DIY Flavored Water (Strawberry Watermelon and Three Citrus Water)
Mini Fruit Pizzas
Painting the House: Little Man's Room
What are you Thankful for?
Positive Communication
How to earn Swagbucks for Free post 1
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse at some of my lesser viewed posts!